August 27, 2019

Laptop Locks: Why You Should Buy One

We would like to build on as to why laptop locks should be purchased. Laptops are used every day for many different reasons. Whether it is for storing business data, personal documents, assignments for university or banking; they provide access to all our private information. Laptops are not cheap devices either. The last thing we want is for them to get stolen along with all the data they hold. Thieves steal laptops from anywhere, being the office, home, coffee shop or school. Investing in a physical laptop lock may be the best investment you make, as we argue that “the […]
November 5, 2019
Computer Security

6 Tips on Keeping Your Computing Devices Secure

In today’s world cyber hacking and computer safety has a huge impact on our lives. Our whole worlds – work, school, social and financial – revolve around our devices. Keeping your devices safe should be your top priority to protect yourself and others. We’ve compiled some tips to help you get you on the right track to a safer computer. 1. Password Management Setting up, maintaining and updating passwords should always be kept private and constant. There are several password management programs that can help you keep your passwords manageable and secure. If you’re not using these programs, here are […]
January 29, 2020

Tutorial – Desktop Locks for Tenders

Watch our tutorial on how to install our desktop locks, as well as the different levels of tender spec. desktop locks ranging from Entry level to XL level. Making your decision a little easier in choosing what best suits your and/or your client’s needs. https://secuplus.co.za/desktop-locks/ https://secuplus.co.za/desktop-locks/government-tenders-computer-locks/
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